I am an ontologist and knowledge engineer with a strong interest in HCI, futures studies and technology-oriented research.
I apply knowledge representation and philosophical investigations to several domains, such as social-environmental sustainability, business process modelling, mental disorders and technology studies.
My primary expertise is in ontological analyses of existent knowledge representations and the design of computational ontologies.
I use philosophical, linguistic, cognitive- and computer science literature to ground my research, and I am actively exploring collaborative and participatory activities to create a transparent and trustworthy knowledge commons.
I perform ontological analyses applied to different fields and applications, create ontologically and semantically grounded computational ontologies.
I aim to integrate formal-theoretical analysis of knowledge with HCI and human factors techniques.
Google scholar: scholar.google.com/citations?hl=it&user=yl284PEAAAAJ
Email: greta[dot]adamo[at]bc3research[dot]org
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